Friday, November 9, 2012

Solution For Something Stiff!?

Det kanske var lite kul med titeln ihop med bilden där jag ser ut lite som en slags snopp. Eller är det jag som har dålig humor? 
Iaf, jävlansh vad irriterande irri det är att vakna med nackspärr. Panodil hjälpte sådär så jag Googlade och hittade något som heter Luo Zhen. Bara namnet låter som bullshit, eller hur? Och det hjälper väl inte om jag säger att det handlar om akupressur?
Hursomhelst fungerade det för mig. Jag var skeptisk och orkade ju såklart inte hålla på i 40 minuter men jag spenderade minst en halvtimme på det medans jag kollade på My Fair Lady med min mormor. Och till min häpnad kändes det faktiskt bättre! Fast jag hade en negativ inställning. Läs nedanför hur jag gjorde! 

English: Maybe the tital was a little funny paired with the picture where I resemble some sort of penis. Or am I just lame?
Anyway, how annoying is it to wake up with a sore/stiff neck? Pain killers didn't really do the trick so I turned to Google and found something called Luo Zhen. Just the name sounds like bullshit, right? And I'm sure it doesn't help when I tell you I'm talking about acupressure. 
Regardless, it worked for me. I was skeptical and I didn't feel like doing it for the full 40 minutes but I did spend at least a half hour on it while watching My Fair Lady with my grandma. To my great surprise I actually felt better! In spite of my negative attitude. Further down you can read how to do it!

Ma photoshop skillz...

Another fine example of ma Photoshop skillz

How to use Luo Zhen to treat a stiff neck:
  1. Massage the point on the opposite side of the body from the neck pain. If the right side of your neck hurts, massage the point on your left hand. You will need to massage this point by pressing into it with the tip of your finger, and make sure to use enough pressure to feel slight tenderness at the point.
  2. Maintain that pressure while making very small circles with your pressing finger.
  3. At the same time as you are stimulating the acupressure point, exercise the neck by rotating your head side to side. You should slowly begin to notice a slight increase in your range of motion while experiencing a decrease in pain.

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