Idag var vi på Rättviks julmarknad. Det snöade och blåste så in i helskotta ute, och som tur var var marknaden inomhus. Iallafall, bilden nedanför kanske är lite kontroversiell. Vad tycker ni? Kan man köpa en renfäll? Det tycker jag att man kan... Dessa renar är var från Idre och har levt ute och haft det bra. Men det är ju skillnad på päls och päls, jag tycker att så länge man vet och är ok med varifrån produkten kommer och under vilka omständigheter de har levt, så är det inte värre än att äta kött (på samma villkor).
English: Today we went to the christmas market here in Rättvik. It was super snowy and windy outside, but luckily the market was held inside. Anyway the picture below might be a little controversial. What do you think? Is it wrong to buy a reindeer skin? I don't think so. These reindeer are were from a place in Sweden called Idre and have spent their lives outside and had a good life. Obviously it's not always ok to buy fur , but as long as you know and are ok with where the product is from and under which circumstances the animal was held, I don't think it's any worse than eating meat (on the same conditions).
I tried my best to look nice and pleasant, but somehow I ended up looking kind of evil. Of course I didn't mean to look so short either but that's just nature. |
My new (faux suede ;-) shoes. |
Check out these ladies! They're wearing the traditional dress of Rättvik. |
Wool slippers. They look comfy, huh? |
This guy! He was making mustard in a bowl with a canon ball! (Can you see it?) How cool is that? He had inherited them along with the recipe from his mother. I got to taste it and it was sooo delicious! They also had a whiskey flavored mustard which was my favorite (go figure..). We bought three jars! |
This is the cheese lady. Her blue cheese was the bomb. Of course we had to buy three of those too haha!
And what was even more note worthy was the fact that she had a full on mustache! She didn't seem bothered or ashamed by it either which I think is awesome. |
Jams, jellies and marmelade. What's the difference anyway? |
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