Friday, December 14, 2012

Non-offensive Gingerbread!

Att baka pepparkakor är väl jävligt tråkigt. Kavla, trycka ut djur och kanske en snopp eller två och så in i ugnen. Det var roligare när man var liten och kunde trycka i sig halva degen utan problem.
Aja, nu har jag bakat klart iallafall och jag vill be om ursäkt ifall mina överviktiga pepparkaksmänniskor väcker anstöt.

English: Baking gingerbread cookies is a boring task. Roll out the dough, punch out the shapes (usually animals but sometimes also a penis or two) and throw them in the oven. It was more fun when I was little and I could eat half the dough. Anyway, I'm all done now and would like to apologize in advance in case you feel offended by my obese gingerbread people.

I also baked these slippers. 
All the creatures of the forest! Yes, we have ALL of these animals in the forest, even the water ones.
Ta-daa! Can anyone tell me what kind of animal that little tiny one by the bear is?? It's so pathetic looking... Could it be a donkey? But why is it so small?
And unfortunately I have to inform you that the giraffe broke it's face (no, not the neck) shortly after this picture was taken. It was delicious. 

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