Vem gillar inte stickat? Förmodligen dom som bor på Stilla havsöar eller i regnskogen.. eller i Sahara. Men du vet vad jag menar. Dom skulle säkert älska stickat om de bodde i ett land med en kall vintersäsong.
Stickat är verkligen för alla, vare sig om man är ung eller gammal. Jag såg till och med Rättviks tokfrans (i brist på ett bättre ord..) på sin trehjuling i både stickad tröja och mössa.
English: Who doesn't like knit wear? Probably people who live on Pacific islands or in the rainforest... or in the Sahara. But you know what I mean. Those people would probably love it if they lived in a country that had a cold winter season.
But seriously. Knitted clothes are for everyone regardless of their age. I even saw the town crazy on his three wheel bike today wearing a knitted hat and sweater. He knows what's up.
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I guess the boots are the only thing worth linking here. The other stuff is quite generic. |
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"Ey ladies! Wanna ride in my basket?" |
So funny to see this excisting man in your blog as you see him, Sara!